Taiwanese Pineapple Cake Finally Found in Manhattan! Thanks to @mingsterc and @garsleat I can now get them without traveling all the way to Flushing. In retrospect, what made the discovery hard for me is that I wasn’t sure if pineapple cake is Taiwanese or Chinese. Now that I know it’s Taiwanese, I can see why looking for them in Chinese bakeries is futile. I also did not know that a Taiwanese bakery existed in Manhattan’s Chinatown besides Bake Culture that recently opened (they do not have pineapple cake either). Audrey Bakery to the rescue. I had seen them before but assumed that it was just one of many Chinese bakeries in the area. They should replace their tagline “Taste is fresh” with “Taiwanese Bakery. Yes, It’s Different!” How does it taste? Great. Just as good as the one I usually get from Apollo in Flushing. In fact, it’s so good that I had to pull a Mark Wiens move (swipe to see)
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