Until I was about a 3rd grader, I sat on a toilet backward, facing the tank. I discovered that I was doing it wrong when my sister accidentally walked into the scene and literally rolled on the floor laughing. I didn’t know. Because my potty was shaped like a duck (or something) and had the head part for me to hold on to, it seemed to make sense that I face the tank and hold on to it. In this manner, there are things we do incorrectly in life without being aware of the correct ways.
A pineapple bun, it turns out, needs to be sliced like a burger bun, toasted, and served with a block of butter. Ever since I learned this at a cha chaan teng, I’ve viewed pineapple buns in a different light. Sometimes you need to publicly share how you do things in everyday life so that people can clue you in on the right way to do things
#pineapplebun #chachaanteng #butter #chinesepastry #chinesebread #hongkongfood #nycfoodie #nycfood #chinatownnyc
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