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High School for Law Enforcement and Public Safety

DBN 28Q690  •  insideschools.org  •  School Finder  •  2017 School Performance Dashboard
Overview Paragraph

We provide our students with a state-of-the-art facility. We work in collaboration with the New York City Police Department and Police Athletic League. Our school offers a challenging academic program with an introduction to careers in law enforcement and public safety. By fully integrating the themes of law enforcement and public safety throughout the educational program, students come to understand how all areas of study are interrelated and how their educational experience supports their career choice.

Prgram Description
  • Challenging standards-driven academic program. In collaboration with the school community and various partners, students will be introduced to careers in law enforcement and public safety.
Admissions Priority
  • Priority to Queens students or residents
  • Then to New York City residents
Offer Rate
  • 92% of offers went to this group
  • Course Grades: English (55-100), Math (55-100), Social Studies (55-100), Science (56-100)
  • Standardized Test Scores: English Language Arts (1.8-4.5), Math (1.7-4.5)
  • Attendance and Punctuality
  • 92% of offers went to this group
Methods Screened
Seats 9th Grade GE 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Applicants 456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Applicants per Seat 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Filled N
Seats 9th Grade SWD 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Applicants 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Applicants per Seat 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Filled Y
Seats Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
Applicants Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
App per Seat Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
Location 116-25 Guy R Brewer Boulevard, Jamaica NY 11434 (40.685838, -73.783438)
Subway N/A
Website schools.nyc.gov/SchoolPortals/28/Q690
Graduation Rate 74.3%
Pct Stu Enough Variety 70.0%
College Career Rate 46.7%
Pct Stu Safe 74.0%
Specialized No
Total Students 589
Attendance Rate 93.0%
SAT Takers 0
SAT Reading 431
SAT Math 410
SAT Writing 409
Total Enrollment 589
Female 46.0% (273)
Male 53.7% (316)
White 1.7% (10)
Asian 10.9% (64)
Black 65.0% (383)
Hispanic 19.4% (114)
Other 3.1% (18)
Academic Opportunities

iLearnNYC: Program for expanded online coursework and self-paced learning

Off-site College Now

Electives: Intro to Law Enforcement,Intro to Sci and Public Safety,Forensic Sci, Forensics and Anatomy, Syracuse Univ Courses, Criminology, Street Law

Facilities: Courtroom, Forensic Laboratory, Fitness Center, Rooftop Track, Television Production Studio, Music Studio, Art Studio, Computer Labs

Advanced Placement Courses

AP English, AP Environmental Science, AP US History


Q111, Q113, Q114, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q84, Q85, QM21, X63

Addtl Info1

College Trips; Extended Day Program (Credit Recovery); Extended Day Program (Tutoring); Health Center; Online Grading System; Saturday Programs; Student/Parent Orientation; Summer Orientation; Uniform; Weekend Programs

Extracurricular Activities

Student Government, New York Police Department (NYPD) Explorers, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) Mentoring Program, National Honor Society, Music Production/Songwriting, Drama, Expanded Success Initiative (ESI) program, Cheerleading, ELITE, Art, Yearbook, Dance, Television Production Studio, Volleyball

School Sports
  • Law Enforcement and Public Safety
  • Law & Government
    Audition Information
      Boro Q
      School 10th Seats
      ELL Programs English as a New Language
      Language Classes Spanish
      Diploma Endorsements
      Neighborhood Baisley Park
      Shared Space Yes
      Campus Name
      Building Code Q690
      Phone Number 718-977-4800
      Fax Number 718-977-4802
      School Email Hsleaps2014@gmail.com
      Grades 2018 12-Sep
      Final Grades 12-Sep
      Start Time 8am
      End Time 2:20pm
      Psal Sports Boys Basketball, Cross Country, Indoor Track
      Psal Sports Girls Basketball, Outdoor Track
      Psal Sports Coed Double Dutch
      Early College
      Geo Eligibility
      School Accessibility Description 1
      Codes Q21A
      Seats 10 No
      Primary Address Line 1 116-25 Guy R Brewer Boulevard
      City Jamaica
      State Code NY
      Lat 40.686
      Lng -73.783
      Zip 11,434
      # Grade 9 193
      # Grade 10 184
      # Grade 11 91
      # Grade 12 121
      ELA Takers 137
      ELA Level 1 40.9% (56)
      ELA Level 2 45.3% (62)
      ELA Level 3 0.0% (0)
      ELA Level 4 0.0% (0)
      ELA Level 3+4 13.9% (19)
      Math Takers 127
      Math Level 1 51.2% (65)
      Math Level 2 38.6% (49)
      Math Level 3 9.4% (12)
      Math Level 4 0.0% (0)
      Math Level 3+4 10.2% (13)

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