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Academy of Medical Technology: A College Board School

DBN 27Q309  •  insideschools.org  •  School Finder  •  2017 School Performance Dashboard
Overview Paragraph

program is in partnership with Plaza College where students receive free college credits. Additionally, our clinical internship program through St. John's Hospital provides real-world career experiences for students in a healthcare setting. Here at AMT we help all students learn, grow, and become our future.

Prgram Description
  • This program is a partnership with Plaza College where our best and brightest students are offered the opportunity to pursue credit at the college level. The program is geared toward dedicated students with a desire to succeeded. The course work is rigorous and requires students to commit to an advanced course of study in the field of medicine. Students are challenged but provided with the skills to be college- and career-ready.
Admissions Priority
  • Priority to continuing 8th graders
  • Priority to continuing 8th graders
  • Then to New York City residents who attend an information session
  • Then to New York City residents who attend an information session
  • Then to New York City residents
  • Then to New York City residents
Offer Rate
  • 41% of offers went to this group
  • 41% of offers went to this group
Methods Limited Unscreened Limited Unscreened
Seats 9th Grade GE 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Applicants 345 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Applicants per Seat 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Filled Y N/A
Seats 9th Grade SWD 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Applicants 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Applicants per Seat 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Filled Y N/A
Seats Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
Applicants Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
App per Seat Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
Location 8-21 Bay 25th Street, Far Rockaway NY 11691 (40.601537, -73.763995)
Subway A to Beach 25th St-Wavecrest
Website schools.nyc.gov/SchoolPortals/27/Q309
Graduation Rate 63.8%
Pct Stu Enough Variety 84.0%
College Career Rate 52.3%
Pct Stu Safe 83.0%
Specialized No
Total Students 624
Attendance Rate 84.0%
SAT Takers 0
SAT Reading 424
SAT Math 422
SAT Writing 415
Total Enrollment 402
Female 54.0% (219)
Male 45.5% (183)
White 3.0% (12)
Asian 6.7% (27)
Black 45.5% (183)
Hispanic 42.0% (169)
Other 2.7% (11)
Academic Opportunities

We offer many opportunities to accelerate & earn college credit while still in high school through our Medical Scholars Program through Plaza College

Our clinical internships prepare students for academic challenges as well as future career goals.

STEM education is the backbone of future success. Our science instruction stresses hands-on problem solving & deep understanding of science content.

Advanced Placement Courses

Q114, Q22, QM17

Addtl Info1

College Trips; Extended Day Program; Health Center; Internships; Online Grading System; Saturday Programs; Summer Orientation; Uniform

Extracurricular Activities

Chess, Chorus, Clinical Research, Dance, Digital Media, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), Karate, Math, Mentoring, Science Olympiad, Service Learning Internship Program

School Sports
  • Academy of Medical Technology: A College Board School
  • Medical Scholars
  • Health Professions
  • Health Professions
    Audition Information
      Boro Q
      School 10th Seats 1
      ELL Programs English as a New Language
      Language Classes Spanish
      Diploma Endorsements
      Neighborhood Far Rockaway-Bayswater
      Shared Space Yes
      Campus Name
      Building Code Q465
      Phone Number 718-471-3571
      Fax Number 718-471-0314
      School Email KPerez11@schools.nyc.gov
      Grades 2018 12-Jun
      Final Grades 12-Jun
      Start Time 7:30am
      End Time 1:50pm
      Psal Sports Boys Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Soccer, Swimming
      Psal Sports Girls Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball
      Psal Sports Coed Double Dutch
      Early College
      Geo Eligibility
      School Accessibility Description
      Codes Q11A Q11B
      Seats 10 Yes-10 Yes-New
      Primary Address Line 1 8-21 Bay 25th Street
      City Far Rockaway
      State Code NY
      Lat 40.602
      Lng -73.764
      Zip 11,691
      # Grade 9 120
      # Grade 10 105
      # Grade 11 96
      # Grade 12 81
      ELA Takers 96
      ELA Level 1 39.6% (38)
      ELA Level 2 42.7% (41)
      ELA Level 3 0.0% (0)
      ELA Level 4 0.0% (0)
      ELA Level 3+4 17.7% (17)
      Math Takers 64
      Math Level 1 73.4% (47)
      Math Level 2 26.6% (17)
      Math Level 3 0.0% (0)
      Math Level 4 0.0% (0)
      Math Level 3+4 0.0% (0)

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