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Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences

DBN 22K535  •  insideschools.org  •  School Finder  •  2017 School Performance Dashboard
Overview Paragraph

Our school is affiliated with Kingsborough Community College. All students study math and science every year and three years of Spanish or Italian as a high school student. Our school is committed to academic excellence in a caring community.

Prgram Description
  • An enriching and challenging curriculum in the sciences and humanities that exceeds city and state requirements.
Admissions Priority
  • Open to New York City residents
Offer Rate
    • Course Grades: Math (87-100), Science (89-100)
    • Standardized Test Scores: English Language Arts (2.9-4.5), Math (3.8-4.5)
    • Punctuality
    Methods Screened
    Seats 9th Grade GE 209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Grade 9 GE Applicants 4603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Grade 9 GE Applicants per Seat 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Grade 9 GE Filled Y
    Seats 9th Grade SWD 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Grade 9 SWD Applicants 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Grade 9 SWD Applicants per Seat 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Grade 9 SWD Filled Y
    Seats Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Applicants Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
    App per Seat Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Location 1830 Shore Boulevard, Brooklyn NY 11235 (40.578356, -73.934449)
    Subway N/A
    Website www.lmghs.org
    Graduation Rate 98.8%
    Pct Stu Enough Variety 84.0%
    College Career Rate 90.0%
    Pct Stu Safe 94.0%
    Specialized No
    Total Students 1,047
    Attendance Rate 96.0%
    SAT Takers 0
    SAT Reading 534
    SAT Math 563
    SAT Writing 543
    Total Enrollment 1,047
    Female 56.0% (588)
    Male 43.8% (459)
    White 58.4% (611)
    Asian 21.6% (226)
    Black 9.3% (97)
    Hispanic 9.6% (101)
    Other 1.1% (12)
    Academic Opportunities

    Forensic Science, Marine Biology, Astronomy, Advanced Photography, Chorus, Jazz Band, Orchestra

    Painting, Ceramics, Film, Psychology, Oceanography, Drama, Quality of Life, Science Research, CUNY College Now for Seniors

    Advanced Placement Courses

    AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Economics, AP English, AP Music Theory, AP Physics, AP Spanish, AP Statistics, AP US Government and Politics, AP US History, AP World History


    B1, B4, B44, B44-SBS, B49, BM3

    Addtl Info1
    Extracurricular Activities

    African American Club, Anime Club, Archon, Arista, BÂ’nai B'rith, Center for Arts Education, CUNY Arts, Dances, Film, Gamers Club, Hispanic Club, Intel, Jewish Culture Club, Musical and Dramatic Plays, Musical Concerts, Project HOPE, Scholastic Art Competition, Sci-Fi, SING, Volunteer Activities

    School Sports
    • Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences
    • Science & Math
      Audition Information
        Boro K
        School 10th Seats 1
        ELL Programs English as a New Language
        Language Classes Italian, Spanish
        Diploma Endorsements
        Neighborhood Manhattan Beach
        Shared Space Yes
        Campus Name
        Building Code K535
        Phone Number 718-368-8500
        Fax Number 718-368-8555
        School Email
        Grades 2018 12-Sep
        Final Grades 12-Sep
        Start Time 8:15am
        End Time 2:30pm
        Psal Sports Boys Basketball, Bowling, Handball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Wrestling
        Psal Sports Girls Basketball, Bowling, Flag Football, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball
        Psal Sports Coed Golf
        Early College
        Geo Eligibility
        School Accessibility Description 1
        Codes K76A
        Seats 10 Yes-10
        Primary Address Line 1 1830 Shore Boulevard
        City Brooklyn
        State Code NY
        Lat 40.578
        Lng -73.934
        Zip 11,235
        # Grade 9 233
        # Grade 10 278
        # Grade 11 274
        # Grade 12 262
        ELA Takers 206
        ELA Level 1 5.8% (12)
        ELA Level 2 13.1% (27)
        ELA Level 3 39.8% (82)
        ELA Level 4 41.3% (85)
        ELA Level 3+4 81.1% (167)
        Math Takers 162
        Math Level 1 8.0% (13)
        Math Level 2 12.3% (20)
        Math Level 3 19.8% (32)
        Math Level 4 59.9% (97)
        Math Level 3+4 79.6% (129)

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