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Science, Technology and Research Early College High School at Erasmus (STAR)

DBN 17K543  •  insideschools.org  •  School Finder  •  2017 School Performance Dashboard
Overview Paragraph

Science, Technology and Research Early College High School at Erasmus (STAR) is a small Early College Network school. Our dynamic team of high school teachers and Brooklyn College professors are eager to prepare students interested in science, mathematics, and technology for college and the world of work. With our partners, we offer a range of challenging academic courses that give students first-hand exposure to the demands of high school and college by using field-based and hands-on methods of instruction. Students use the rich resources on the Brooklyn College and other City University of New York (CUNY) campuses as their learning laboratories. In addition to their high school diploma, students may earn 30 or more college credits.

Prgram Description
  • Starting in the 11th grade, students begin to take college courses at Brooklyn College and other CUNY colleges in pathways of science and non-science subjects. Students can earn 30 to 60 college credits related to core college pathways.
Admissions Priority
  • Priority to continuing 8th graders
  • Then to Brooklyn students or residents
  • Then to New York City residents
Offer Rate
  • 30% of offers went to this group
  • Course Grades: English (73-100), Math (71-100), Social Studies (71-100), Science (75-100)
  • Standardized Test Scores: English Language Arts (2.3-4.5), Math (2.5-4.5)
  • Attendance and Punctuality
  • Interview
  • Writing Exercise
  • 30% of offers went to this group
Methods Screened
Seats 9th Grade GE 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Applicants 987 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Applicants per Seat 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 GE Filled Y
Seats 9th Grade SWD 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Applicants 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Applicants per Seat 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 SWD Filled N
Seats Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
Applicants Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
App per Seat Specialized 0 0 0 0 0 0
Location 911 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11226 (40.649602, -73.957173)
Subway 2, 5, B, Q to Church Ave
Website www.starec.org
Graduation Rate 97.2%
Pct Stu Enough Variety 85.0%
College Career Rate 80.0%
Pct Stu Safe 88.0%
Specialized No
Total Students 526
Attendance Rate 96.0%
SAT Takers 0
SAT Reading 491
SAT Math 496
SAT Writing 484
Total Enrollment 332
Female 47.0% (156)
Male 53.0% (176)
White 0.0% (0)
Asian 3.9% (13)
Black 86.7% (288)
Hispanic 5.4% (18)
Other 0.0% (0)
Academic Opportunities

CTE program(s) in: Scientific Research and Engineering

Brooklyn College Community Partnership Program sponsored activities: Brooklyn College Saturday Courses, College Prep and Guidance Workshops

Computer, Conflict Resolution Training, Dance, Drama, Leadership Class, National Honor Society, Peer Mediation Center, Regents Prep, SAT Prep

Advanced Placement Courses

AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP English, AP US Government and Politics


B103, B12, B16, B35, B41, B44, B44-SBS, B49, BM1, BM2, BM3, BM4

Addtl Info1
Extracurricular Activities

Video Production, Chess, Performance Art, School Yearbook, STEP, Student Government, Study Center, Technology, Teen Talk, Anime, Tutoring, Young Entrepreneurs

School Sports
  • Early College
  • Science & Math
    Audition Information
      Boro K
      School 10th Seats 1
      ELL Programs English as a New Language
      Language Classes French, Spanish
      Diploma Endorsements Math
      Neighborhood Flatbush
      Shared Space Yes
      Campus Name Erasmus Hall Educational Campus
      Building Code K465
      Phone Number 718-564-2540
      Fax Number 718-564-2541
      School Email sgoulborne@starec.org
      Grades 2018 12-Jun
      Final Grades 12-Jun
      Start Time 8am
      End Time 2:45pm
      Psal Sports Boys Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cross Country, Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Soccer, Volleyball, Wrestling
      Psal Sports Girls Basketball, Flag Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Softball, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball
      Psal Sports Coed Double Dutch, Stunt
      Early College 1
      Geo Eligibility
      School Accessibility Description 1
      Codes K14A
      Seats 10 Yes-5
      Primary Address Line 1 911 Flatbush Avenue
      City Brooklyn
      State Code NY
      Lat 40.65
      Lng -73.957
      Zip 11,226
      # Grade 9 92
      # Grade 10 74
      # Grade 11 89
      # Grade 12 77
      ELA Takers 87
      ELA Level 1 8.0% (7)
      ELA Level 2 36.8% (32)
      ELA Level 3 39.1% (34)
      ELA Level 4 16.1% (14)
      ELA Level 3+4 55.2% (48)
      Math Takers 57
      Math Level 1 10.5% (6)
      Math Level 2 47.4% (27)
      Math Level 3 35.1% (20)
      Math Level 4 0.0% (0)
      Math Level 3+4 42.1% (24)

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