Today, I found this perfectly average rice at an average Chinese takeout restaurant. The size of the container is average, and it has an artwork of an average Chinese temple. But let’s get to what really matters here: the flavor. It’s average. It’s not great but it’s not bad. I can taste the New York City tap water, but our city’s water doesn’t taste all that bad. It’s a bit overcooked. It was probably sitting in the rice cooker for a while but not long; probably average. The grains didn’t retain their original shape but they didn’t completely burst. It came with an average plastic spoon, not sturdy but not flimsy either. It was $1.50 — an average price for New York City. Don’t ask me where this restaurant is because this is my sanctuary where I go to feel average. I don’t want it to become too crowded or too empty
Hat tip to @allergic2cashews1
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